全美中文學校聯合總會第一屆中文傳承教育研討會 – National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools 1st Annual Conference for Chinese Heritage Education – 2015 NCACLS Annual Conference call for proposal deadline extension


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正義 敬上
The deadline for submitting paper for our annual conference is extended to 05/15, please see the updated “Call for Proposal” attached for detail, please forward it to your member schools and encourage the teachers to participate.
Best regards.
Steve Chang

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徵求論文下載 Call for Proposal File Attachment download link

全美中文學校聯合總會NCACLS web link – http://www.ncacls.net/

2015 NCACLS Annual Conference call for proposal deadline extension

今年首次在Detroit 舉行 年會,日期:7∕31~8∕2

地點:美國密西根州底特律 Detroit, MI





2. K-12華裔學生之中文教學

1. 單篇投稿:論文之題目及其摘要(字數300~500字),中英文均可。
2. 小組投稿: 每組包括三至四篇相關之論文,內容包括中文(或英文)總主題、總主題之說明、各篇相關性說明、每篇論文之題目及其摘要.

(1) 投稿過程:於2015年5月15日前投交論文摘要及作者資料表,若評審通過,將於2015年5月31日前通知,並建議於2015年6月30日前繳交全文以收入論文集。
(2) 作者資料:包括姓名、性別、工作單位及職稱、聯絡方式(主要及次要的E-mail、電話、傳真、地址)。
(3) 提交方式:以郵寄/E-mail將檔案寄至
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D. 劉娟 jionliouyen@gmail.com

(4) 論文全文 (Full paper)
論文摘要通過者建議繳交稿件全文,論文以中文或英文書寫(英文論文須附中文題目及摘要),文長不超過 10頁 (A4 或 Letter Size, 單行間距、12號字),須包含題目、摘要(中文約200字,英文約100 words)、本文、參考文獻及圖片等。
(5) 語文及檔案格式:
為編輯論文集方便,避免亂碼,請將電子檔案設定或轉碼為中文傳統漢字(Traditional characters, Unicode or Big-5),以Office 2003格式(.doc) 或純文字格式(.txt, rtf)傳送。
(6) 論文經錄取後將編入論文集的光碟版。

※ 研討會之詳細事項(住宿訂房、報名繳費等)將於2015年3月底陸續在網站公佈,網址http://www.ncacls.net

報名費用 (含會議資料及論文集、開會期間之午餐及晚宴) :
預先註冊:2015年5月31日前(含當日):美金 30 元
一般註冊:2015年5月31日以後:美金 50 元
現場報名:美金 70 元

歡迎將此研討會訊息轉送給有興趣之人士 ※

Detroit Michigan USA
August 1-2, 2015

National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) has served as a national liaison organization for Chinese heritage schools since 1994. To provide a forum for members to share the best practices in teaching Chinese language and culture, NCACLS is inviting all practitioners, developers, and researchers to submit proposals to showcase innovative instructional strategies, teaching tools (materials), exemplary programs, and newly developed technologies/applications in teaching Chinese language and culture.

Conference Theme: Retooling, Reinventing, and Transforming Teaching and Learning

Preference is given to proposals for sessions that
● Present innovative K-16 heritage Chinese language programs
● Focus on the development and management of quality Chinese schools
● Demonstrate the application of evidence-based practice for teaching
● Promote pedagogically sound instructional methods and materials
● Provide best practices in integrating technology to enhance teaching and learning
● Present successful case studies of teaching Chinese language and culture.

Proposal Guidelines

Important Dates:
Deadline of abstract submission: May 15, 2015
Notification of abstract acceptance: May 31, 2015
Submission of full paper for Conference Proceedings: June 30, 2015
Conference: August 1-2, 2015
Out of state attendees, please check in on July 31, 2015

The 2015 NCACLS Conference Committee is accepting proposals in the following categories:
1. Individual proposals: No specific guidelines regarding length of the proposal as long as it follows the standard format that includes purpose/research questions, rationale/significance of study, and/or expected results.
2. Panel discussions: The panel sessions aim to help the audience understand the proposed topics/issues. Proposals should describe background and issues, identify the panelists and their topics, and outline activities to engage the audience.

All proposals should contain a cover page with contact information for the presenter(s) and an abstract (limited to 100 words) (see more details below). The proposal can be written in either Chinese or English.

Presenter(s) Contact Information: provide all presenters’ complete information separately in a cover page in the following format:

Name: ________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________
School/Institution: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________ E-mail: ___________________
Abstract: a brief summary of your presentation (100 words maximum). NCACLS reserves the right to revise the abstract for clarity purposes.

Proceedings: Upon review by the Forum Peer Review Committee, authors of the accepted proposals are encouraged to submit a short paper (up to 4 pages) or a full paper (up to 10 pages) before the conference to be included in the conference proceedings and published online.

Please email your proposal in a word document to:
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D.

Your questions/comments are welcome, please contact:
Jion Liou Yen, Ph.D.

※ Please distribute the announcement to relevant groups/individuals

Registration Fee: (including Proceedings & meals)
1. Early-bird Registration (by May 31,2015): $30;
2. Advanced Registration (after May 31,2015): $50;
3. On-site Registration: $70

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