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2018 OCCACCF Scholarship

大家好,我是爾灣中文學校的校長鍾幼蘭, 很高興再次和您分享由橙縣華人商會基金會所提供專門獎助優秀華裔孩子的獎學金,歡迎需要財務資助的華裔高中生前來申請。 獲獎學生每人每年可獲獎學金5000元,為期四年共可得2萬元獎學金,預計每年10個獎助名額 。申請條件及相關資訊可以直接上網查詢 (occaccf.org), 申請截止日是2月15日。 相信這對家境清寒的優秀孩子會是很大的助力, 懇請您大力幫忙將此資訊傳遞給您的學生家長和友人。感謝您!

Orange County Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce Foundation (‘OCCACCF’) is committed to help our community by reaching out to those students who have succeeded both inside and outside of the classroom- but may not be able to attend college without financial assistance. We believe that investing in students who are leaders will result in positive and sustainable communities in the future.  OCCACCF has been providing scholarships for more than 20 years to those promising students of Chinese descent to continue their education.  Due to OCCACCF’s successful effort at raising funds for the scholarship program, 4 year commitments of $5,000 per year (for a total of $20,000) are being made from now on to those “OCCACCF Scholars” showing financial need and academic achievement.

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For eligibility and application information please visit www.occaccf.org  Application Deadline: February 15, 2018

Please help us to look for potential OCCACCF Scholars by making announcement in your school and encouraging your students to apply.  For more information or to apply, please visit the website: occaccf.org

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact  scholarship.occaccf@gmail.com




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時間: 2018年1月21日(星期日)

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