MCS Communication

密西根中文學校週報 /MCS Newsletter (32) 6.17.2023

This Saturday will be the last day of our 2022-2023 school year. We will have our annual graduation/end of school year ceremony after the first class session. The ceremony will start at 2:30pm at Chapel Suites 1 & 2 (map below). Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to ensure we can promptly begin the ceremony on time.
I would like to take this time to thank everyone for the support during this school year. It has been an honor to serve as the principal for MCS for this school year. Wish everyone have a safe and fun filled summer!

Parent On Duty
Family: Ari Li

/Cynthia Hsu


  • Keeping the school hours by ringing the bell at the beginning and the end of each class
  • Keeping students in order and safe during recess (e.g., no student running/chasing allowed inside the Ward church)

2023-2024 School Year Pre-Registration

Please visit our school website or you can use the link (HERE) to access and complete the registration form.

The registration fee ($20 per student) will be waived for the existing MCS families who complete the early registration between 6/10 and 6/24.

認字檢定 Chinese Word Recognition

Everyone did a great job for the Chinese Word Recognition, I’m so proud for each one of you!
News article about our event is posted on (僑務電子報). Thanks to Teacher Teresa Yin for Submitting the news article!

2023-2024 MCS Vice Principal

We are in need for volunteer to take the Vice Principal position for the next school year. You can use the following link to view the MCS School Policy and Procedure for more information about the qualifications and responsibilities of Vice Principal. Please let me know if you are interested.

中華文化夏令營 Michigan Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp (Aug 14-18, 2023)

活動日期: 8/14/2023-8/18/2023
活動時間: 9 AM – 4 PM, 週一至週五
適合年齡: 幼稚園班 到 8年級 (2023-2024學年度)
活動地點:Ward Church, Northville, Michigan
費用: 每位學員 $200 (於3/25/2023完成報名註冊並繳費者,享有折扣優惠)
詳情請洽 Vicky Thomsen
Michigan Chinese Educators Association (MCEA) is offering a Chinese Folk Arts Summer Camp in Northville, Michigan. The camp will run from August 14th to August 18th, Monday to Friday from 9AM to 4PM.  Students ages Kindergarten – 8th grader in school year 2023-2024 are welcome to participate. No Chinese language skill is required.

The program includes Chinese Yoyo, Shadow Play (Chinese Puppet Show), Martial Arts, Dough Figurines (Chinese Play-Doh), Chinese Percussion Instruments, Chinese Dance, Calligraphy, Chinese Knotting, Paper Cutting (The program might have small changes without notice)

Registration is now open, limited space available.  
Camp registration form link:
Any questions please contact: Vicky Thomsen, Email: