MCS Communication

密西根中文學校週報 /MCS Newsletter (17) 1.28.2023

The following items are the events and announcements for this week:

Parent On Duty

Family: Ken Liao/Yaling Huang


  • Keeping the school hours by ringing the bell at the beginning and the end of each class
  • Keeping students in order and safe during recess (e.g., no student running/chasing allowed inside the Ward church)

College Application Workshop (1/28/23 3:30-5:00pm at Senior Classroom) 
Irina Chen (陳思憫) is an Ann Arbor Chinese School alum and currently the Assistant Director of a college counseling company. She has helped students get admitted to schools such as Yale, Columbia, Stanford, and MIT and has worked with over 30 Former Admissions Officers (people who have read, accepted, rejected, and waitlisted students at the admissions table). She will be conducting a presentation titled “10 Tips for College Applications”. Irina is currently working with several Michigan-based students in the 9-12th grades to strengthen their college application profile and this presentation will be great for anyone who is interested in learning more.

線上演講比賽訓練研習會 (Sunday 1/29/23 11:00am-12:00pm
安娜堡中文學校今年承辦 2023 校際演講比賽,將在一月底與二月份舉辦兩場線上的演講比賽訓練研習會。預定由周延玲老師以及劉玉錦老師兩位資深演講比賽的指導老師來負責此次線上訓練研習及說明事宜。 此外,葉育婷和周玉若兩位老師也願意以類似模式,合辦一場為 CFL 學生所準備的講座 (Group 9-11)。
此次研習會歡迎各校學生,家長以及老師們一起參加,增進觀摩與交流。另外,在研習會的前 10 分鐘亦會有校際演講比賽規則的初稿說明,希望能給予學生及家長們對校際比賽有初步的認識。比賽規則的最後定案將以各參賽學校的校長會議的最終定稿為準。
目前的第一場次日期是訂在星期日, 1/29/23,早上11點至中午 12 點,由周延玲老師主講。
Join by phone
‪(US) +1 484-381-0322‬ PIN: ‪857 684 903‬#

周延玲老師國立台灣師範大學國文系畢業,並取得東密大英語為第二外語教學碩士學位(MA TESOL, EMU)。目前任教於Washtenaw community college ESL講師,安娜堡中文學校。曾任教於東密大學,台灣東吳大學,北京國際學校,新加坡美國學校,密西根大學,加州千橡中文學校,密西根州安華中文學校。周老師多次擔任全美演講比賽及密西根校際演講比賽裁判。亦曾受邀講評與裁判上海Learning Leaders大小型辯論比賽。歡迎全校師生把握機會,共襄盛舉。

Amazon Smile Link 

An easy move to benefit MCS.  Please use the following link when you shop on Amazon. This will not cost you a penny but will help the school to get some funding from Amazon.