MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (4) – 09/26/2019

1. 讀書月開始!!!!
活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2
2. 通訊錄廣告募集中﹗詳細廣告價目請參考以下連結,您可以將此列印帶給商家以便說明 – “2019-2020 MCS 通訊錄廣告登錄招募辦法及說明” : (幫忙招募廣告的家長們將獲得學校頒贈的回饋禮金以表感謝)
請各位家長老師們向您認識的商號傳達本校的通訊錄廣告招募事宜,並於此處登記 “2019-2020 廣告招募登記表” : (詳細流程請參考登記表內說明)

3. 本週值日家長: 陶茂森 & 林芳瑜

4. 感謝贊助︰感謝 謝鳳凰 Bata 老師捐贈 $300 給學校。其中部份將指定使用於新年晚會學生們的紅包。謝老師今年同時也是本校教務之一,為學校盡心盡力之外,還特別關心小朋友們的人文素養,以及華語文化的薰陶。再次謝謝她慷慨贊助!

5. 豐收節預告
10/26 學校將舉辦豐收節活動,請密切注意家長會長及各班代表的公告喔。

6. 義賣收入報告:感謝各位熱情的參與義賣活動,也特別感謝辛苦籌劃的工作人員們﹗以下是近期義賣報告。a. 月餅義賣: 購入月餅成本$381; 扣除贈送工作人員, 老師和學生的月餅,其他義賣收入為 $336。義賣活動結算支出 $-45。b. T-Shirt 預購: 訂製成本 $939.16; 預購收入 $1350。小結收入 $410.84
7. 義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮卡獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

8. 國慶晚會將在本週六 9/28/2019 5:30 PM 於 Southfield Lathrup Campus 舉行(19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.) 

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9. 僑界活動快訊︰(詳見附圖)台灣國樂團受邀蒞臨密西根巡演,在台灣一票難求的國家級表演,為佳惠僑胞免費演出,機會難得,請師生和家長們踴躍參加。寶島辦桌 10/4 7:30 pm @ Detroit Film Theatre  10/6 2:30 pm @ U of M – Flint Theatre璀璨台灣 10/7 7:30 pm @ U of M, SMTD, Stamps Auditorium

Hi MCS associates,

October is right around the corner and we all know how MI weather looks like during this season 🙂 Please be noted and stay warm.Following are important activities for this week:

1. Reading Month begins!!When: 9/28 – 11/2Please encourage students to read Chinese books and/or watch videos. Teachers will be providing tracking sheets and details.
2. Advertisement sponsorship wanted for 2019-2020 MCS Directory:Please inform any business you know and ask for their support. Pricing can be found in the following link. You may print this and bring it to the stores/business.
Please also sign up in this sheet to help organize the activities. More details, instruction, and process flow is included.

3. Parents on Duty:陶茂森 & 林芳瑜4. Special Thanks to Bata Schell who donated $300 to MCS. Part of the donation will be designated for “Red Envelopes” to students in our Chinese New Year celebration. Bata also assumes the role of Academic Director this year. She has great passion helping school affairs, promoting humanistic qualities and Chinese culture. Thanks again for her generosity.
5. Harvest Fest is coming!This is one of students’ favorite events. More info to be shared from the Chairperson of PR’s. Stay tuned. 🙂
6. Fundraising reports:Thank you all for participation, especially to our hardworking staff. a. Moon cake sale: Cost=$381; Excluding the giveaways to staff, teachers, and students – we received income $336. Expense summary for this sale activity is $-45.b. T-shirt pre-order : Cost=$939.16; Amount collectible is $1350. We have raised $410.84 from this pre-order. Thank you for your support!!
7. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There is a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link of sign up sheet.
8. There will be a celebration event for “Double-Tenth National Day” of ROC on 9/28/2019 at 5:30 PM in Southfield Lathrup Campus (19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.).A friendly reminder for all of us to attend if you registered.

9. Taiwan NCO (National Chinese Orchestra) will be performing musical extravaganza to celebrate Double Ten National Day at the following Date/Time/Location: (please see attachments for details)a. Formosa Roadside Wedding Banquet – a musical extravaganza 10/4/2019 7:30 pm @ DIA10/6/2019 2:30 pm @ U of M – Flint Theatreb. Splendid Taiwan Concert – a collaborative recital featuring NCO & SMTD musicians 10/7 7:30 pm @ U of M, SMTD, Stamps Auditorium