MCS Communication

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v18) – 1/30/2020

上週報導的三起疑似病例已經證實 不是 新型冠狀病毒,所以密西根目前還沒有病例。大家雖然不必驚慌,不過對防疫還是要提高警覺。

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 下學期課外活動報名 :
目前課程有 :
扯鈴班 (限10名) – 暫定 10 堂課 40 元
跆拳道 – 10 堂課 15元
編織課 – 10 堂課 40元
美術課 – (1/25, 2/1, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/28, 4/25, 5/2) 8 堂課40元
國樂班 – (2/1 ~ 6/6) 12 堂課 80 元
家長籃球俱樂部與舞獅隊 – 請洽活動負責人。

好消息!! 有鑒於家長們反應,想幫孩子準備中文AP卻無所適從,不知如何下手。本校傑出校友 魏郁安 擬於3/7, 3/14, 3/28熱心開設三堂AP中文課,將其心得傾囊相授,機會難得,有興趣想了解中文AP的家長請聯絡活動組登記預訂。

又,如果您有興趣成為課後活動的老師或教練,只要您符合以下其中一個條件,您都可以申請開班 – (a) 在校學生家長 (b) 已畢業的MCS學生 (如未成年需一名學生家長陪同) (c) MCS 在學學生且美國學校八年級以上。(d)經推薦之專業人士。請先將計畫表及課程安排(含上課日期, 收費, 人數限制, 年齡限制, 支票抬頭)一併提供給黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang) 或張蘊文 (Claire Aho),並請自備簡單的課程宣傳海報。

2. 新年晚會會議 :
時間:02/01 at 1:45 PM
與會人員 : 晚會工作人員及各班家長代表們。

3. 本週值日家長: 李維軒 & 陳佳欣
懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Those 3 cases addressed last week has been confirmed NOT coronavirus hence there is no infection reported in MI as of now! Although we don’t need to overreact, please be advised that prevention and protection are still important to keep us healthy.  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Extra-curricular Registration for next semester :
There will be a workstation in the hallway where you can find all the extra-curricular information. Please stop by to register the extra-curriculum classes with 黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang) and 張蘊文 (Claire Aho).  
Current available classes are –
Chinese YoYo : Est. 10 sessions for $40
Taekwondo : 10 sessions for $15
Crochet : 10 sessions for $40
Art & Painting : (1/25, 2/1, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/28, 4/25, 5/2) 8 sessions for $40
Chinese Traditional Music : (2/1 ~ 6/6) 12 sessions for $80
Parents Basketball and Lion dance : please contact the instructors.

If you are interested in opening your extra-curricular class, please contact Ya-Ling Huang or Claire Aho for more details.

2. Chinese New Year Celebration Planning Meeting :
When : 02/01 at 1:45 PM
Where : Resting area (close by cafeteria)
Who : All Volunteers and PR’s

3. Parents on Duty:李維軒 & 陳佳欣
Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v17) – 1/23/2020

星期五就是除夕了,中文學校全體老師和工作人員預祝大家 闔家安康,萬事如意!

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 下學期課外活動報名 :
目前課程有 :
扯鈴班 (限10名) – 10 堂課 40 元
跆拳道 – 10 堂課 15元
編織課 – 10 堂課 40元
美術課 – (1/25, 2/1, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/28, 4/25, 5/2) 8 堂課40元
國樂班 – (2/1 ~ 6/6) 12 堂課 80 元
家長籃球俱樂部與舞獅隊 – 請洽活動負責人。

如果您有興趣成為課後活動的老師或教練,只要您符合以下其中一個條件,您都可以申請開班 – (a) 在校學生家長 (b) 已畢業的MCS學生 (如未成年需一名學生家長陪同) (c) MCS 在學學生且美國學校八年級以上。請先將計畫表及課程安排(含上課日期, 收費, 人數限制, 年齡限制, 支票抬頭)一併提供給黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang 7347182793) 或張蘊文 (Claire Aho 3133481812),並請自備簡單的課程宣傳海報。

2. 幹部會議 :
時間:1/25 at 1:45 PM
地點:Hub Meeting Room (電視牆旁)
與會人員 : 全體工作人員及家長代表們。
各班家長代表請在會議上向出納 意純 領取新年晚會預購票

3. 本週值日家長: Keerthideep Burre & Martha Rodriguez
懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 特別感謝 :
感謝Claire Chen, Camille, Yeewei, 和 Yaling 慷慨捐助他們的通訊錄廣告獎勵金給學校。

5. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

6. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


Dear MCS associates,

In such a case, it is always recommended by the people. the different strength are availed and it is also tadalafil vs cialis important which strength is completely perfect for you. It is also said to be erectile dysfunction or some other cialis without prescription sexual problem find it embarrassing and humiliating to explain their impotency to a doctor. There are a lot to families in all over the viagra without prescription world. For all you know, she is fantasizing too! It’s a known fact that smoking is harmful for the health of the patient; patient eating this pill must make sure that he don’t eat fatty meals or grape fruit; and/or drink alcohol or grape levitra on line sale juice otherwise this pill won’t provide better and quick result of getting lasts long erection.

This Friday is Chinese New Year’s Eve. MCS would like to wish you and family having a peaceful and health new year and all dreams come true!  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Extra-curricular Registration for next semester :
There will be a workstation in the hallway where you can find all the extra-curricular information. Please stop by to register the extra-curriculum classes with 黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang) and 張蘊文 (Claire Aho).  
Current available classes are –
Chinese YoYo : 10 sessions for $40
Taekwondo : 10 sessions for $15
Crochet : 10 sessions for $40
Art & Painting : (1/25, 2/1, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/28, 4/25, 5/2) 8 sessions for $40
Chinese Traditional Music : (2/1 ~ 6/6) 12 sessions for $80
Parents Basketball and Lion dance : please contact the instructors.

If you are interested in opening your extra-curricular class, please contact Ya-Ling Huang or Claire Aho for more details.

2. Staff Meeting :
When : 1/25 at 1:45 PM
Where : Hub Meeting Room (next to the big TVs on wall)
Who : All Staff, Volunteers, and PR’s
please see I-Chun for pre-ordered CNY tickets for you classes.

3. Parents on Duty:Keerthideep Burre & Martha Rodriguez
Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Special Thanks :
Big Thanks to Clair Chen, Camille, Yeewei, and Yaling for their donation.

5. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

6. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v16) – 1/16/2020


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 下學期課外活動報名 :
下學期課後活動報名將於本週開始。目前課程有 : 扯鈴班 (限10名),跆拳道,編織課,美術課,國樂班,家長籃球俱樂部,舞獅隊。
如果您有興趣成為課後活動的老師或教練,只要您符合以下其中一個條件,您都可以申請開班 – (a) 在校學生家長 (b) 已畢業的MCS學生 (如未成年需一名學生家長陪同) (c) MCS 在學學生且美國學校八年級以上。請先將計畫表及課程安排(含上課日期, 收費, 人數限制, 年齡限制, 支票抬頭)一併提供給黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang) 或張蘊文 (Claire Aho),並請自備簡單的課程宣傳海報。

2. 新年晚會門票預購 :
預購時間為 1/11 – 1/18。請家長代表統計各班票數並收費後,將款項於1/18前交給出納意純。有多名學生的家庭請向較高年級的班級代表訂票。預售票將於1/25 交由各班代表。

預售價格 : (1/11 – 1/18)
* MCS 傳統班註冊學生,不限年齡 $5
* 非 MCS 學生,年齡 4 – 13 (含) $5
* 14歲以上(含家長) $10
* 3 歲以下兒童免票

活動當日票價 : (2/8)
* MCS 傳統班註冊學生,不限年齡 $6
* 非 MCS 學生,年齡 4 – 13 (含) $6
* 14歲以上(含家長) $12
* 3 歲以下兒童免票


3. 本週值日家長: 粟林亮& 趙旭婕
懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


Dear MCS associates,

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This Saturday will be the last day of 1st semester. Please take all possible opportunities to practice the show for CNY celebration. We look forward to your amazing performance.  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Extra-curricular Registration for next semester :
There will be a workstation in the hallway where you can find all the extra-curricular information. Please stop by to register the extra-curriculum classes with 黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang) and 張蘊文 (Claire Aho).  
Current available classes are – Chinese YoYo, Taekwondo, Crochet, Art & Painting, Chinese Traditional Music, Parents Basketball and Lion dance.
If you are interested in opening your extra-curricular class, please contact Ya-Ling Huang or Claire Aho for more details.

2. Chinese New Year Celebration – Tickets Pre-order : Pre-order time window is 1/11 – 1/18. PR’s please collect headcounts and payments then hand it to Cashier I-Chun before 1/18. If your family has more than one MCS students, please order thru the elder student’s class. Tickets will be distributed on 1/25.

Pre-Order ticket prices : (1/11 – 1/18)
* $ 5 – MCS registered students (any ages)
* $ 5 – Non MCS students, age of 4 through 13.
* $10 – Adult (14 years old and above)
* Free – 3 year old and below  

Walk-Up ticket prices : (2/8)
* $ 6 – MCS registered students (any ages)
* $ 6 – Non MCS students, age of 4 through 13.
* $12 – Adult (14 years old and above)
* Free – 3 year old and below    

Dinner will be served after shows and programs. Admission is required for all parts of this event. Tickets are NON-Refundable. Thank you for your understanding.

3. Parents on Duty:粟林亮& 趙旭婕
Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v15) – 1/8/2020


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 新年晚會籌備會議 :
第二次籌備會將於本週六 1:40 PM 在 Cafeteria 沙發區舉行,請各班家長代表和活動幫手義工們務必參加。謝謝您。

2. 新年晚會門票預購開始 :
預購時間為 1/11 – 1/18。請家長代表統計各班票數並收費後,將款項於1/18前交給出納意純。有多名學生的家庭請向較高年級的班級代表訂票。預售票將於1/25 交由各班代表。

預售價格 : (1/11 – 1/18)
* MCS 傳統班註冊學生,不限年齡 $5
* 非 MCS 學生,年齡 4 – 13 (含) $5
* 14歲以上(含家長) $10
* 3 歲以下兒童免票

活動當日票價 : (2/8)
* MCS 傳統班註冊學生,不限年齡 $6
* 非 MCS 學生,年齡 4 – 13 (含) $6
* 14歲以上(含家長) $12
* 3 歲以下兒童免票


3. 教務會議 :
時間 : 1/11 3:40 PM
地點 : 8 年級教室
與會人員 : 正副校長,教務,各班老師。

4. 本週值日家長: 廖宏昇& 黃雅玲
懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

5. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

6. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

It’s flu season again along with chill weather. Please stay warm and wash hands often to keep away from germs and virus.  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Chinese New Year Planning Meeting :
All PR’s, event helpers, and volunteers – please meet this Saturday at 1:40 PM in the rest area near Cafeteria. Thank you!

2. Chinese New Year Celebration – Tickets Pre-order :
Pre-order time window is 1/11 – 1/18. PR’s please collect headcounts and payments then hand it to Cashier I-Chun before 1/18. If your family has more than one MCS students, please order thru the elder student’s class. Tickets will be distributed on 1/25.

Pre-Order ticket prices : (1/11 – 1/18)
* $ 5 – MCS registered students (any ages)
* $ 5 – Non MCS students, age of 4 through 13.
* $10 – Adult (14 years old and above)
* Free – 3 year old and below  

Walk-Up ticket prices : (2/8)
* $ 6 – MCS registered students (any ages)
* $ 6 – Non MCS students, age of 4 through 13.
* $12 – Adult (14 years old and above)
* Free – 3 year old and below    

Dinner will be served after shows and programs. Admission is required for all parts of this event. Tickets are NON-Refundable. Thank you for your understanding.

3. Teachers Meeting :
When : 1/11 3:40 PM
Where : 8th Grade classroom
Who : Principal, Vice Principal, Academic Administrators, and All Teachers

4. Parents on Duty:廖宏昇& 黃雅玲
Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

5. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

6. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v14) – 1/2/2020


提醒您本週六01/04/2020 要上課囉 !! 希望大家都已經養精蓄銳,準備好迎接新一年的挑戰。

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 學校行事曆更動:
2/15/2020 改為停課
2/22/2020 照常上課 (教務會議[5]亦改到這天)
2/29/2020 改為上課

2. 本週值日家長: Donald Kultgen& YaChin Kultgen
懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

3. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

4. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Happy New Year!! Looking forward to seeing you all this Saturday 01/04/2020 at school !!

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. MCS Calendar Updates:
Due to changes of facility availability, there will be some updates to our calendar:
2/15/2020 changed to “No School
2/22/2020 Normal school day
2/29/2020 changed to school day
Thank you for your understanding and sorry about any inconvenience this may cause.

2. Parents on Duty: Donald Kultgen& YaChin Kultgen
Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

3. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

4. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v13.1) – 12/19/2019


以下與各位分享教會傳來的祝福 – 

Ari, MCS Staff, parents and students, 

     On behalf of myself and our custodial team, I’d like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the thoughtful gesture in gifting us with the beautiful Holiday basket.  Rest assured that all of us will be enjoying the many delicious treats it contains.

      From all of us to all of you, A Blessed Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and A Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

With thanks and appreciationWard Church Custodial Team

以下是重要活動預告 :

1. 元旦升旗典禮報名 請您於12/19/2019 前至下方連結填寫您的姓名和參加人數,以便主辦單位安排座位和餐點。
時間: 01/01/2020 10:30 AM
地點: Sheraton Hotel @ Novi
21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, MI 48375

2. 學校行事曆更動:
2/15/2020 改為停課
2/22/2020 照常上課 (教務會議[5]亦改到這天)
2/29/2020 改為上課

3. 中文SAT2模擬考試報名:

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Wish you all Happy Holiday and a wonderful New Year!
Here is a warm greeting from Church :  

Ari, MCS Staff, parents and students, 

     On behalf of myself and our custodial team, I’d like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the thoughtful gesture in gifting us with the beautiful Holiday basket.  Rest assured that all of us will be enjoying the many delicious treats it contains.

      From all of us to all of you, A Blessed Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and A Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

With thanks and appreciationWard Church Custodial Team

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Jan. 1st Flag Raising Ceremony
Please use the following link to register with your name and number of attendees before 12/19 for Jan 1st Flag Raising Ceremony.
When : 01/01/2020 10:30 AM
Where : Sheraton Hotel @ Novi
21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, MI 48375
Free admission; Complimentary lunch will be served after ceremony. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Also recruiting two volunteering students to sing National Anthems of USA and ROC. Now there’s only one seat remaining. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested.

2. MCS Calendar Updates:
Due to changes of facility availability, there will be some updates to our calendar:
2/15/2020 changed to “No School
2/22/2020 Normal school day
2/29/2020 changed to school day 
Thank you for your understanding and sorry about any inconvenience this may cause.

3. Chinese SAT2 Mock Test sign-up:
2020 Chinese SAT2 Mock Test is coming soon. More sign-up details will be disclosed in January from Sr. and 8th grade Reps. Please stay tuned.

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v13) – 12/12/2019

感謝大家齊心協力,圓滿完成熱鬧的義賣會。看見大家雖然忙碌卻保持著開心的笑容,真心覺得這個活動超成功的。每個人都散發著熱忱的光芒,真棒! 讓人以身為中文學校的一份子為榮! 謝謝你們 !

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 元旦升旗典禮報名
請您於12/19/2019 前至下方連結填寫您的姓名和參加人數,以便主辦單位安排座位和餐點。
時間: 01/01/2020 10:30 AM
地點: Sheraton Hotel @ Novi
21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, MI 48375

2. 本週值日家長: Chijou Wang& Nancy Kim
懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

3. 義賣成果報告:
今年的義賣,大家買的開心吃的安心,還能幫助學校,真是一舉數得。特別感謝義賣小組 Jennifer Morikawa, Ice Chai, Sammy Li,以及全體義工家長們的付出。以下是本次義賣的初步結算。總收入 $2185.86 – 成本支出 $1055.58 = 淨收入 $1130.28

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Thank you all for your support. We had an extremely successful fundraising event. The best part of it was seeing the smile on everyone’s face while participating. That tells we all really enjoyed it and are proud of being MCS’ers. Love that atmosphere!! 🙂  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Jan. 1st Flag Raising Ceremony
Please use the following link to register with your name and number of attendees before 12/19 for Jan 1st Flag Raising Ceremony.
When : 01/01/2020 10:30 AM
Where : Sheraton Hotel @ Novi
21111 Haggerty Road, Novi, MI 48375
Free admission; Complimentary lunch will be served after ceremony. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Also recruiting two volunteering students to sing National Anthems of USA and ROC. Now there’s only one seat remaining. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested.

2. Parents on Duty:Chijou Wang& Nancy Kim
Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

3. Fundraising Report:
This great event not only offered good food, pleasure of shopping, but also supports our school big time!! Special thanks to the fundraising team – Jennifer Morikawa, Ice Chai, Sammy Li, and all the volunteers. It was every single you made this possible!! Following is the stat.
Gross Income $2185.86 – Cost & Expense $1055.58 = Net Income $1130.28.

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook
A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v12) – 12/05/2019

恭喜第11期週報有獎猜謎前三位回覆正確答案的朋友 – Meng, Ice, 和Sammy 將獲得價值$10的義賣禮卷,可於本週六的義賣消費。未來週報還會有不定期的有獎問答,請大家仔細閱讀把握機會。

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 點心義賣&跳蚤市場 12/7 (本週六 ) 學校將於 Studio 2 舉辦義賣
為使活動成功順利,請各位家長踴躍至以下連結預先登記當日預捐贈的 食品  以及  義賣物品
1) 請於活動當天1:00 – 1:30 轉交 Studio 2 義賣小組人員,  以便捐贈登記。
2) 如未完售之商品欲取回 , 請於提醒請工作人員備註登記.   並於當日3:50 前往義賣活動現場取回物品。
有任何問題,歡迎您聯絡義賣小組成員: Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. 本週值日家長: 吳育賢& 曾俐屏 懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

3. 僑教資訊: 全美總會線上講座 – 如何申請進入理想的大學與財務補助
主講人: 黃清郁教授


時間: 2019年12月8日(星期日)
美東時間晚上八點至九點, 美中七點至八點, 美西五點至六點

主講人介紹: 黃清郁教授目前任教於新澤西州肯恩大學資訊系,曾擔任新澤西維德中文學校校長、老師、新澤西中文學校協會會長、全美中文學校聯合總會長程規劃委員與主委,專注於教育,曾在許多研討會擔任講員發表論文與演講。

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立 學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

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Dear MCS associates,

Congrats to the winners of the inference question in Newsletter v.11 – Meng, Ice, and Sammy, who will receive $10 gift card for our Bake sale on Saturday. Please read our newsletters carefully as there will be more upcoming awarded questions in the future.  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Bake & Rummage Sale Fundraising 12/07We are going to have annual MCS bake and rummage sale in Studio 2 on December 7th. Please use this link below to sign-up any of your donation. Anything! Thank you!!
1) Bring your donations (food/items) to Studio 2 between 1:00-1:30 pm for price labeling. If you will retrieve the unsold items, please inform our Fundraising team.
2) Please retrieve your unsold items at 3:50 pm. Any uncollected items will be donated to other organizations. Thank you all in advance for participation! Any questions? Please contact Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. Parents on Duty:吳育賢& 曾俐屏Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

3. Overseas Chinese Edu Info: Online seminar – How to apply for desired universities and financial aid.When: 12/08/2019 8 PM – 9 PM EST 

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v11.1) – 11/27/2019


上週週報裡隱藏的有獎猜謎還有名額喔。想要挑戰腦力激盪和贏得大獎的朋友們動作要快囉。小提示: 將上週週報整篇點右鍵全選,就能找到題目

以下是近期重要活動 :

1. 點心義賣&跳蚤市場 倒數計時…12/7 學校將於 Studio 2 舉辦點心義賣& 跳蚤市場,請大家踴躍購買美味的點心及小吃,並積極登記義工,使活動成功順利。請至以下連結登記捐贈物品,預購點心,和義工報名。 預購食品請儘量在12/1前完成以便製作準備,謝謝您。
1) 請不吝登記捐贈義賣物品和點心美食
2) 請提早預購 (12/1前) 並時常察看是否有新上市您感興趣的新商品或美食。特別是手工點心糕餅和叉燒包等數量有限,欲購從速。
3) 請您不妨也熱情介紹您的朋友一起預購,非MCS家庭也可以由您代訂轉交或來現場領取。
4) 請踴躍登記義工,幫忙結帳,整理貨品和包裝預購訂單,和打掃歸位。 現場也將提供刷卡服務,方便您採購,提醒您此服務將酌收手續費用。今年計劃的義賣目標為$750,收益將用於支持學校各項活動。唯有您的參與才能讓這個義賣圓滿達標。
有任何問題,歡迎您聯絡義賣小組成員: Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網新成立
學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

3. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  🙂 There are still prizes available for the inference question in last week’s newsletter. Make a move and reply with your answer before it’s too late. 🙂 Hint: Right click and “Select all” in last week’s newsletter and you will find the question.

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Bake & Rummage Sale Fundraising 12/07We are going to have annual MCS bake and rummage sale in Studio 2 on December 7th *This fundraising event needs your participation, purchasing and volunteering to make it successful!* Please use this link to sign-up your donation, pre-order placement of food and volunteering. Thank you!! For food items, please pre-order (by 1-Dec ) if possible. 
1) Donate items including food items
2) Pre-order baked goods and other homemade goods being donated (pre-order by 1-Dec)Check back at the link often as donors and new options may become available (8 tabs for signing-up and ordering!) Lots of homemade items such as BBQ Pork buns, pastries are being donated in limited amounts
3) Help us raise more funds by asking friends and family to either pre-order and stop by MCS or make arrangements to bring goodies to them.
4) Sign-up to Volunteer Day of from set-up to collecting money, tally inventory, and to clean-up. Volunteers are needed to help with sorting pre-orders. We will have some credit card capability. There will be an extra charge for convenience. We have a goal of minimum $750 for the sale to use for our school programs. Please help us succeed and exceed our goal! Questions? Please contact Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

3. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v11) – 11/21/2019


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 點心義賣&跳蚤市場熱烈籌備中 12/7 學校將於 Studio 2 舉辦點心義賣& 跳蚤市場,請大家踴躍購買美味的點心及小吃,並積極登記義工,使活動成功順利。請至以下連結登記捐贈物品,預購點心,和義工報名。也請之前在學校登記表裡的 helper 們聯絡義賣小組,擔任義工。謝謝。 預購食品請儘量在12/1前完成以便製作準備,謝謝您。
1) 請不吝登記捐贈義賣物品和點心美食
2) 請提早預購 (12/1前) 並時常察看是否有您感興趣的新商品或美食。特別是手工點心糕餅和叉燒包等數量有限,欲購從速。
3) 請您不妨也熱情介紹您的朋友一起預購,非MCS家庭也可以由您代訂轉交或來現場領取。
4) 請踴躍登記義工,幫忙結帳,整理貨品和包裝預購訂單,和打掃歸位。 現場也將提供刷卡服務,方便您採購,提醒您此服務將酌收手續費用。今年計劃的義賣目標為$750,收益將用於支持學校各項活動。唯有您的參與才能讓這個義賣圓滿達標。
有任何問題,歡迎您聯絡義賣小組成員: Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. 新年晚會籌備會議 11/23 家長會長將召開第一次新年晚會籌備會議,請各班家長代表於 1:40pm 至沙發區集合。

3. 本週值日家長: JonathanWerner & Georgia Kapsalis 懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立 學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

* 本期的週報裡有個推理謎題,前三位找到題目並回覆詳細解答的人,將得到不錯的獎勵喔。


Dear MCS associates,

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There were a few job opportunities recently posted on MCS Interactive Community FB site. Please visit the site for more information. The link can be found in #4 below.  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Bake & Rummage Sale Fundraising 12/07We are going to have annual MCS bake and rummage sale in Studio 2 on December 7th *This fundraising event needs your participation, purchasing and volunteering to make it successful!* Please use this link to sign-up your donation, pre-order placement of food and volunteering. Event Helpers in MCS_work_signup sheet – please contact Fundraising team for assignments. Thank you!! For food items, please pre-order (by 1-Dec ) if possible. 
1) Donate items including food items
2) Pre-order baked goods and other homemade goods being donated (pre-order by 1-Dec) Check back at the link often as donors and new options may become available (8 tabs for signing-up and ordering!) Lots of homemade items such as BBQ Pork buns, pastries are being donated in limited amounts
3) Help us raise more funds by asking friends and family to either pre-order and stop by MCS or make arrangements to bring goodies to them.
4) Sign-up to Volunteer Day of from set-up to collecting money, tally inventory, and to clean-up. Volunteers are needed to help with sorting pre-orders. We will have some credit card capability. There will be an extra charge for convenience. We have a goal of minimum $750 for the sale to use for our school programs. Please help us succeed and exceed our goal! Questions? Please contact Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. Meeting for Chinese New Year planning Our Chair of Parents Assembly, Ice Chai, will hold the 1st meeting for Chinese New Year planning. All Parent Reps please report to Ice at 1:40pm in the sitting area by the cafeteria.

3. Parents on Duty:JonathanWerner & Georgia KapsalisPlease remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

* There is an interesting inference question in this newsletter. The first three persons who find it and reply with correct and detailed solution will receive a nice prize.