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MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v10) – 11/14/2019


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 點心義賣&跳蚤市場 12/7 學校將於 Studio 2 舉辦點心義賣& 跳蚤市場,請大家踴躍購買美味的點心及小吃,並積極登記義工,使活動成功順利。請至以下連結登記捐贈物品,預購點心,和義工報名。也請之前在學校登記表裡的 helper 們聯絡義賣小組,擔任義工 – WeiXuan Li, Laurie Lee, Chengwei Hsu, Ling Voran, & Joyce Kuribayashi 。謝謝。 預購食品請儘量在12/1前完成以便製作準備,謝謝您。
1) 請不吝登記捐贈義賣物品和點心美食
2) 請提早預購 (12/1前) 並時常察看是否有您感興趣的新商品或美食。特別是手工點心糕餅和叉燒包等數量有限,欲購從速。
3) 請您不妨也熱情介紹您的朋友一起預購,非MCS家庭也可以由您代訂轉交或來現場領取。
4) 請踴躍登記義工,幫忙結帳,整理貨品和包裝預購訂單,和打掃歸位。 現場也將提供刷卡服務,方便您採購,提醒您此服務將酌收手續費用。今年計劃的義賣目標為$750,收益將用於支持學校各項活動。唯有您的參與才能讓這個義賣圓滿達標。
有任何問題,歡迎您聯絡義賣小組成員: Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. 新年晚會籌備即將開始 11/23 家長會長將召開第一次新年晚會籌備會議,請各班家長代表密切注意。

3. 本週值日家長: William Repaskey & Keqin Tang懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立 學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Winter is here. Please drive safe and plan for longer commute.  

Following are highlights for upcoming activities:

1. Bake & Rummage Sale Fund Raising 12/07 We are going to have annual MCS bake and rummage sale in Studio 2 on December 7th *This fundraising event needs your participation, purchasing and volunteering to make it successful!* Please use this link to sign-up your donation, pre-order placement of food and volunteering. Event Helpers in MCS_work_signup sheet – WeiXuan Li, Laurie Lee, Chengwei Hsu, Ling Voran, & Joyce Kuribayashi – please contact Fund Raising team for assignments. Thank you!! For food items, please pre-order (by 1-Dec ) if possible. 
1) Donate items including food items
2) Pre-order baked goods and other homemade goods being donated (pre-order by 1-Dec) Check back at the link often as donors and new options may become available (8 tabs for signing-up and ordering!) Lots of homemade items such as BBQ Pork buns, pastries are being donated in limited amounts
3) Help us raise more funds by asking friends and family to either pre-order and stop by MCS or make arrangements to bring goodies to them.
4) Sign-up to Volunteer Day of from set-up to collecting money, tally inventory, and to clean-up. Volunteers are needed to help with sorting pre-orders. We will have some credit card capability. There will be an extra charge for convenience. We have a goal of minimum $750 for the sale to use for our school programs. Please help us succeed and exceed our goal! Questions? Please contact Jennifer Morikawa, Ice, or Sammy

2. Program Planning for Chinese New Year Our Chair of Parents Assembly, Ice Chai, will hold the 1st meeting for Chinese New Year planning. All Parent Reps please stay tune for upcoming details.

3. Parents on Duty:William Repaskey & Keqin TangPlease remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (v9.1) – 11/07/2019


以下是下週的重要活動預告 :

1. 新年晚會籌備即將開始 相信老師們已經和家長們開始討論各班表演的節目了吧。是不是已經等不及看我們萌萌的小朋友們表演了呢? 🙂

2. 點心義賣&跳蚤市場12/07 很多家長反映,這是他們上學期最期待的活動。因為我們學校裡臥虎藏龍,很多的私房美食都會開放預購,光想都流口水了。義賣小組稍後將公佈更多的訊息,屆時請大家踴躍登記義工,提供點心美食或捐贈二手物品義賣。謝謝您。

3. 密西根中文學校 Facebook 互動網成立 學校成立了新的Facebook互動網 (aka 粉絲團),以有別於原來的專頁,讓大家更方便發言互動,而不僅限於追蹤跟回應。互動網內也歡迎大家廣泛地分享在地的生活資訊和交換心得。請大家邀請舊雨新知一起加入喔!! (加入後在Group裡按 “More” > “Pin to Shortcut” 方便下次瀏覽)

4. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:


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Dear MCS associates,

Hope we all received some useful from the seminar last Saturday. A friendly reminder – There will be NO school this Saturday 11/9.

Following are previews for upcoming activities:

1. Program Planning for Chinese New Year Teachers may have communicated and started discussion with parents on the program of each class. We can’t wait to see our adorable students’ performance. 🙂

2. Bake Sale & Flea Market Fund Raising 12/07 Parents have been looking forward to this most popular event in first semester. There will be many delicious homemade cakes, cookies, and street food available for pre-order. Save your stomach for this day!  More detailed info will be released soon by the Fund Raising Team. We will need you to signup for volunteer and donation of bake/food/used items for this fund raising event. Thank you!

3. Introducing NEW MCS Interactive Community on Facebook A Newly created MCS Interactive Community group allows all of us to post and share information instead of just watching or following the official site. Please invite your friends to join this fun fans club!! (Tips: After Joining the group, click “More” from the Group homepage then “Pin to Shortcut” for easier access.)

4. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (9) – 10/31/2019


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 讀書月結束 活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2

2. 學校行事曆更動 由於教會場地因素,下學期的校內演講比賽將改到4/18/2020,而校際演講比賽則改至 5/9/2020。其他籌備會議日期也有小調整,請參考附件更新版行事曆。

3. 本週值日家長: 陳杰宏 & 黃慧敏懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 特別感謝
感謝 Jennifer Feng 捐贈了 200 本兒童中文讀物給學校,未來同學們讀書月將有更多的圖書選擇。也感謝 Camille 細心整理並管理借書事宜。

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

6. 教育基金規劃講座
精誠財務 Judy王專員 將於本週六11/2/2019 @ 1:40 pm 於本校 Studio 1 教室(請參考附件位置圖) 舉辦教育基金的規劃講座。(高年級班本週將使用Hub Meeting Room上課)王女士長期以來支持中文教育,對本校的各項活動都熱情參與並提供贊助。每年也會不定期舉辦講座分享專業的理財訊息,不論是對孩子未來教育基金的規劃或是報稅節稅,都有很實際的幫助 。當中也會分析介紹各種教育基金工具的優點和槓杆,幫大家找到最適合自己的方案。今年更加入了新的主題內容理財教育從小學起。這個實用的主題在各講座中都有很大的回響,精彩可期。


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Dear MCS associates,

We all had a great time last weekend and enjoyed the Harvest Festival. Thanks for your participation and help on decoration. Photos are available via the following link.

Following are highlights for activities in this week:

1. Reading Month When: 9/28 – 11/2Please remind students to return reading log.

2. School Calendar Updates Due to the availability of church facility, there are a few updates made to our calendar. Intrascholastic Speech Contest is moved to 4/18/2020 and Inter-School Speech Contest is moved to 5/9/2020. Meeting dates are also adjusted accordingly. Please refer to the attached revised calendar.

3. Parents on Duty:陳杰宏 & 黃慧敏Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Special Thanks Big thanks to Jennifer Feng who donated 200 Chinese story books to MCS. Our students will have more choices for reading month in the future. Also thanks for Camille organize them and made them available for borrowing.

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

6. Edu-funds Seminar
Judy Wang from JingCheng Finance will be conducting a seminar to introduce Edu-funds planning on Saturday 11/2/2019 at 1:40 pm in Studio 1. (Map attached) (Senior Class will be using Hub Meeting Room this week.) Judy is also a generous sponsor to MCS who has been supporting us for years. Her professional analysis will help everyone to determine the tools that fit our needs, maximize tax credits/deductibles, and leverage the investment! This year she will also share a new topicFinancial Education for Children.

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (8) – 10/24/2019

這個秋天密西根 Genesee County 發現了幾個 EEE 腦炎的案例,這種病毒多藉由蚊蟲傳染,提醒大家要做好防範蚊蟲叮咬的措施。

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 豐收節來了!
本週學校將與中間下課時間舉辦豐收節活動,這是本校小朋友們最期待的活動之一。家長會長提醒您,為小朋友選擇costume時,請避免暴力或恐怖的負面服裝,以免嚇著其他小朋友們。請各位義工家長將登記的物品帶到Studio 2前面集中,並於第一堂上課期間,協助走廊和照相區的佈置。裝飾用品將於活動結束後由各家長自行帶回。謝謝您。

2. 讀書月進入倒數衝刺
活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2

3. 本週值日家長: Chow Chan-Choy & Huang Hsuan-Jung懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

4. 特別感謝
通訊錄廣告招募已接近尾聲,多虧各位的熱心宣傳才能順利進行,這裡特別要感謝幾位家長的奔走與鼎力襄助: Yeewei, Camille, Claire Chen, Suzy, 廖宏昇 & 黃雅玲伉儷, Jing Yang, 和Cynthia。同時也感謝文書Steven Lien細心整理。

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

6. 教育基金規劃講座預告
精誠財務 Judy王專員 將於11/2/2019 @ 1:40 pm 於本校舉辦教育基金的規劃講座。王女士長期以來支持中文教育,對本校的各項活動都熱情參與並提供贊助。每年也會不定期舉辦講座分享專業的理財訊息,不論是對孩子未來教育基金的規劃或是報稅節稅,都有很實際的幫助 。當中也會分析介紹各種教育基金工具的優點和槓杆,幫大家找到最適合自己的方案。


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Dear MCS associates,

There were a few confirmed cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) found in Genesee County. Please be alerted and protect ourselves against mosquitos.

Following are highlights for activities in this week:

1. Harvest Festival is here!!
This coming Saturday we are having Harvest Festival during the break between classes. This is one of students’ favorite events. A friendly reminder – please avoid violent or scary costumes since we have younger children in school. Volunteers please bring your donations to the front of Studio 2 and help decorate the hallway and theme area. All decors will be returned after this activity. Thank you!

2. Reading Month When: 9/28 – 11/2Please encourage students to read Chinese books and/or watch videos.

3. Parents on Duty:Chow Chan-Choy & Huang Hsuan-JungPlease remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

4. Special Thanks We are wrapping up for the recruitment of ad sponsorship in MCS Directory. It is everyone of YOU who made this possible. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to Yeewei, Camille, Claire Chen, Suzy, Ken & Yaling, Jing Yang, and my lovely wife Cynthia. They have been working really hard to support this activity. Also I would like to thank our Documentation Director, Steven Lien, for his dedication and organization.

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

6. Edu-funds Seminar
Judy Wang from JingCheng Finance will be conducting a seminar to introduce Edu-funds planning on Saturday 11/2/2019 at 1:40 pm. Judy is also a generous sponsor to MCS who has been supporting us for years. Her professional analysis will help everyone to determine the tools that fit our needs, maximize tax credits/deductibles, and leverage the investment!

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (7) – 10/17/2019


以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 讀書月進入第四週
活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2

2. 通訊錄廣告贊助強力募集中!!!!詳細廣告價目請參考以下連結,您可以將此列印帶給商家以便說明 – “2019-2020 MCS 通訊錄廣告登錄招募辦法及說明” : (幫忙招募廣告的家長們將獲得學校頒贈的回饋禮金以表感謝)
請各位家長老師們向您認識的商號傳達本校的通訊錄廣告招募事宜,並於此處登記 “2019-2020 廣告招募登記表” : (詳細流程請參考登記表內說明)

3. 豐收節零食/裝飾/義工登記
10/26 學校將舉辦豐收節活動,這是本校小朋友們最期待的活動之一。請各位家長在下面連結登記您將提供的零食和裝飾用品及報名活動義工。裝飾用品將於活動結束後由各家長自行帶回。謝謝您。

4. 本週值日家長: 周揚智 & 徐秀珠懇請值日家長們留心注意,請勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲,在走廊吃東西,或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

5. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

6. 網站安全調查報告

Dear MCS associates,

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The Double Tenth Celebration is on OcacNEWS now! Check it out via the following link if you missed it. Or if you were there, bring back the great memories.Youtube:

Following are highlights for activities in this week:

1. Reading Month On Going!!When: 9/28 – 11/2
Please encourage students to read Chinese books and/or watch videos.

2. Advertisement sponsorship wanted for 2019-2020 MCS Directory: Please inform any business you know and ask for their support. Pricing can be found in the following link. You may print this and bring it to the stores/business.
Please also sign up in this sheet to help organize the activities. More details, instruction, and process flow is included.

3. Harvest Fest sign-up sheet
This is one of students’ favorite events. Please sign up for treats, decors, and volunteers. All decors will be returned after this activity. Thank you!  

4. Parents on Duty:周揚智 & 徐秀珠Please remind our students: NO running or eating in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

5. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

6. Security Incident report
An associate brought a cyber security concern to our attention last week and indicated a page on our website would disclose information of our families such as parents’ names, students’ names, grade, address, and phone numbers. After a thorough investigation, we identified the issue with a test page that needs to be removed from public access and fortunately it’s not a global impact. We have immediately applied necessary remediation and make sure our information is protected. Please accept my sincere apology for this glitch and the team will continue taking cyber security as our top priority. Thank you for your understanding!

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (6) – 10/10/2019

上週大家是否都領到新T-Shirt了呢? 是不是簡潔又帥氣呢? :)本週六10/12讓我們一起穿上它合影,把對中文的熱愛展現出來吧 !!如果您錯過了上次的訂購,我們多準備了幾件,欲購從速以免向隅。
[Men: M/1, L/1]
[Women: M/1 L/1]
[Kids: S/1 M/1 L/1 XL/1]

以下是本週的重要活動 :

1. 讀書月進入第三週
活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2

2. 通訊錄廣告贊助強力募集中!!!! 通訊錄廣告贊助強力募集中!!!! 通訊錄廣告贊助強力募集中!!!! (很重要所以說三次 ^_^ ) 詳細廣告價目請參考以下連結,您可以將此列印帶給商家以便說明 – “2019-2020 MCS 通訊錄廣告登錄招募辦法及說明” : (幫忙招募廣告的家長們將獲得學校頒贈的回饋禮金以表感謝)
請各位家長老師們向您認識的商號傳達本校的通訊錄廣告招募事宜,並於此處登記 “2019-2020 廣告招募登記表” : (詳細流程請參考登記表內說明)

3. 通訊錄資料校對: (這也很重要,但上面已經用過同一招了 ^_^”‘ )請各位家長到 Knox Hall 旁的櫃台核對您的聯絡資料,以便通訊錄製作。謝謝您的合作。

4. 豐收節零食/裝飾/義工登記
10/26 學校將舉辦豐收節活動,這是本校小朋友們最期待的活動之一。請各位家長在下面連結登記您將提供的零食和裝飾用品及報名活動義工。裝飾用品將於活動結束後由各家長自行帶回。謝謝您。

5. 本週值日家長: 陳彥良 & 鐘秀真懇請值日家長們留心注意,勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

6. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

* 能仔細把週報看到這的人真不簡單,週六請來找校長領獎 🙂 先到先領,領完為止喔。

Dear MCS associates,

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Did you all receive the new T-Shirts? Aren’t they sharp and neat? 🙂 Let’s put on our MCS spirits this coming Saturday 10/12 and have a great picture to show our passion about learning Chinese !!There are still a few more T-Shirts available for purchase too – 
[Men: M/1, L/1]
[Women: M/1 L/1]
[Kids: S/1 M/1 L/1 XL/1]

Following are highlights for activities in this week:

1. Reading Month On Going!!When: 9/28 – 11/2Please encourage students to read Chinese books and/or watch videos.

2. Advertisement sponsorship wanted… Advertisement sponsorship wanted… Advertisement sponsorship wanted for 2019-2020 MCS Directory: (couldn’t emphasize this enough ^_^ )Please inform any business you know and ask for their support. Pricing can be found in the following link. You may print this and bring it to the stores/business.
Please also sign up in this sheet to help organize the activities. More details, instruction, and process flow is included.

3. Directory Info verification: (This is also very important but I won’t reuse those three strikes. ^_^”‘ )Please stop by at the reception desk near Knox Hall and verify your contact info for use in school directory. Thank you for cooperation!

4. Harvest Fest sign-up sheet
This is one of students’ favorite events. Please sign up for treats, decors, and volunteers. All decors will be returned after this activity. Thank you!

5. Parents on Duty:陳彥良 & 鐘秀真Please remind students: NO running in the hallway or using the Connection Center. Thank you!

6. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

* Thanks for your patience for reading all details down to this line. As my appreciation, please see me this Saturday for a small prize. (limited offers – first come first serve.)  

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (5) – 10/03/2019

上週的 國慶晚會和 教師節餐會 圓滿成功,請各位不吝到學校的Facebook 去點個讚或分享,讓更多人看見本校優秀小朋友們的表現。如果您願意,歡迎 Follow/Like 我們的臉書,或留言給個5星好評,讓更多人認識學校。 以下是本週的重要活動。

1. 讀書月進入第二週
活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2

2. 通訊錄廣告強力募集中!!!!詳細廣告價目請參考以下連結,您可以將此列印帶給商家以便說明 – “2019-2020 MCS 通訊錄廣告登錄招募辦法及說明” : (幫忙招募廣告的家長們將獲得學校頒贈的回饋禮金以表感謝)
請各位家長老師們向您認識的商號傳達本校的通訊錄廣告招募事宜,並於此處登記 “2019-2020 廣告招募登記表” : (詳細流程請參考登記表內說明)

3. 通訊錄資料校對:請各位家長到 Knox Hall 旁的櫃台核對您的聯絡資料,以便通訊錄製作。謝謝您的合作。

4. 豐收節零食/裝飾/義工登記
10/26 學校將舉辦豐收節活動,這是本校小朋友們最期待的活動之一。請各位家長在下面連結登記您將提供的零食和裝飾用品及報名活動義工。裝飾用品將於活動結束後由各家長自行帶回。謝謝您。

5. 本週值日家長: Huang Alan & Huang Jialing懇請值日家長們留心注意,勿讓小朋友們奔跑嬉戲或使用Connection Center。謝謝您!

6. 學校義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮金獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

7. 僑界活動快訊︰(詳見附圖)
台灣國樂團受邀蒞臨密西根巡演,在台灣一票難求的國家級表演,為佳惠僑胞免費演出,機會難得,請師生和家長們踴躍參加。寶島辦桌-音樂大匯演 10/4 7:30 pm @ Detroit Film Theatre  10/6 2:30 pm @ U of M – Flint Theatre璀璨台灣-NCO & SMTD中西合璧,連袂演奏 10/7 7:30 pm @ U of M, SMTD, Stamps Auditorium

Dear MCS associates,

This is by no means a complete list nor is it a full explanation of all of cialis canadian pharmacy the reputed local vet service providers. Kamagra may viagra free sample not work as quickly if you take it with a high-fat meal.o This product is rapidly absorbed. Furthermore, overnight levitra joints are only nourished when doing activity. Kamagra Jellies – buy levitra in canada special info It is a semi liquid version of the genuine ED pill.

The celebration of “Double-Tenth National Day” and the lunch gathering for Teachers Day on the past weekend were magnificent and successful. We are so proud of our students’ performance. Please kindly visit MCS Facebook site to “Like” and “Share” the photos/videos. If you will, you are welcome to leave reviews and Follow us on FB .
Following are important activities for this week:

1. Reading Month On Going!!When: 9/28 – 11/2Please encourage students to read Chinese books and/or watch videos.

2. Advertisement sponsorship wanted for 2019-2020 MCS Directory:Please inform any business you know and ask for their support. Pricing can be found in the following link. You may print this and bring it to the stores/business.
Please also sign up in this sheet to help organize the activities. More details, instruction, and process flow is included.

3. Directory Info verification:Please stop by at the reception desk near Knox Hall and verify your contact info for use in school directory. Thank you for cooperation!

4. Harvest Fest sign-up sheet
This is one of students’ favorite events. Please sign up for treats, decors, and volunteers. All decors will be returned after this activity. Thank you!  

5. Parents on Duty:Huang Alan & Huang JialingPlease remind students: NO running in the hallway or use the Connection Center. Thank you!

6. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a Co-Op Non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are all volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There will be a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link to the sign up sheet.

7. Taiwan NCO (National Chinese Orchestra) will be performing musical extravaganza to celebrate Double Ten National Day at the following Date/Time/Location. Admission is free. (please see attachments for details)
a. Formosa Roadside Wedding Banquet – a musical extravaganza 10/4/2019 7:30 pm @ DIA10/6/2019 2:30 pm @ U of M – Flint Theatreb. Splendid Taiwan Concert – a collaborative recital featuring NCO & SMTD musicians 10/7 7:30 pm @ U of M, SMTD, Stamps Auditorium

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (4) – 09/26/2019

1. 讀書月開始!!!!
活動時間 : 9/28 - 11/2
2. 通訊錄廣告募集中﹗詳細廣告價目請參考以下連結,您可以將此列印帶給商家以便說明 – “2019-2020 MCS 通訊錄廣告登錄招募辦法及說明” : (幫忙招募廣告的家長們將獲得學校頒贈的回饋禮金以表感謝)
請各位家長老師們向您認識的商號傳達本校的通訊錄廣告招募事宜,並於此處登記 “2019-2020 廣告招募登記表” : (詳細流程請參考登記表內說明)

3. 本週值日家長: 陶茂森 & 林芳瑜

4. 感謝贊助︰感謝 謝鳳凰 Bata 老師捐贈 $300 給學校。其中部份將指定使用於新年晚會學生們的紅包。謝老師今年同時也是本校教務之一,為學校盡心盡力之外,還特別關心小朋友們的人文素養,以及華語文化的薰陶。再次謝謝她慷慨贊助!

5. 豐收節預告
10/26 學校將舉辦豐收節活動,請密切注意家長會長及各班代表的公告喔。

6. 義賣收入報告:感謝各位熱情的參與義賣活動,也特別感謝辛苦籌劃的工作人員們﹗以下是近期義賣報告。a. 月餅義賣: 購入月餅成本$381; 扣除贈送工作人員, 老師和學生的月餅,其他義賣收入為 $336。義賣活動結算支出 $-45。b. T-Shirt 預購: 訂製成本 $939.16; 預購收入 $1350。小結收入 $410.84
7. 義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮卡獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

8. 國慶晚會將在本週六 9/28/2019 5:30 PM 於 Southfield Lathrup Campus 舉行(19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.) 

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9. 僑界活動快訊︰(詳見附圖)台灣國樂團受邀蒞臨密西根巡演,在台灣一票難求的國家級表演,為佳惠僑胞免費演出,機會難得,請師生和家長們踴躍參加。寶島辦桌 10/4 7:30 pm @ Detroit Film Theatre  10/6 2:30 pm @ U of M – Flint Theatre璀璨台灣 10/7 7:30 pm @ U of M, SMTD, Stamps Auditorium

Hi MCS associates,

October is right around the corner and we all know how MI weather looks like during this season 🙂 Please be noted and stay warm.Following are important activities for this week:

1. Reading Month begins!!When: 9/28 – 11/2Please encourage students to read Chinese books and/or watch videos. Teachers will be providing tracking sheets and details.
2. Advertisement sponsorship wanted for 2019-2020 MCS Directory:Please inform any business you know and ask for their support. Pricing can be found in the following link. You may print this and bring it to the stores/business.
Please also sign up in this sheet to help organize the activities. More details, instruction, and process flow is included.

3. Parents on Duty:陶茂森 & 林芳瑜4. Special Thanks to Bata Schell who donated $300 to MCS. Part of the donation will be designated for “Red Envelopes” to students in our Chinese New Year celebration. Bata also assumes the role of Academic Director this year. She has great passion helping school affairs, promoting humanistic qualities and Chinese culture. Thanks again for her generosity.
5. Harvest Fest is coming!This is one of students’ favorite events. More info to be shared from the Chairperson of PR’s. Stay tuned. 🙂
6. Fundraising reports:Thank you all for participation, especially to our hardworking staff. a. Moon cake sale: Cost=$381; Excluding the giveaways to staff, teachers, and students – we received income $336. Expense summary for this sale activity is $-45.b. T-shirt pre-order : Cost=$939.16; Amount collectible is $1350. We have raised $410.84 from this pre-order. Thank you for your support!!
7. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There is a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link of sign up sheet.
8. There will be a celebration event for “Double-Tenth National Day” of ROC on 9/28/2019 at 5:30 PM in Southfield Lathrup Campus (19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.).A friendly reminder for all of us to attend if you registered.

9. Taiwan NCO (National Chinese Orchestra) will be performing musical extravaganza to celebrate Double Ten National Day at the following Date/Time/Location: (please see attachments for details)a. Formosa Roadside Wedding Banquet – a musical extravaganza 10/4/2019 7:30 pm @ DIA10/6/2019 2:30 pm @ U of M – Flint Theatreb. Splendid Taiwan Concert – a collaborative recital featuring NCO & SMTD musicians 10/7 7:30 pm @ U of M, SMTD, Stamps Auditorium

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (3) – 09/19/2019

1. 家長大會!!!!
時間 : 9/21/2019 週六 1:40 PM
與會者 : 全體家長
地點 : Chapel suite 2 (詳見附圖會議室地點)

2. 防火演習
本週六 2:25 PM 將舉行防火演習。請所有人員依附圖指示的疏散路線 (紅色虛線),前往室外集合地點。(詳見附件疏散路線圖) 。

3. 2019-2020 家長代表名單 :
恭喜!! 新家長會長 蔡麗冰 高票當選!前家長會長 Linda 今年將任顧問兼會長代理人,以便輔助新會長。
Pre-K Yachin Kultgen
K 班 Marta Rodriguez
一 年級 JiaLing Huang
二 年級 Linda Tseng (顧問/ 會長代理人)  
三年級 Tony 周揚智
四年級 Ice Chai (新家長會長)
五年級 邵恩棟 (Kevin Shaw)
六年級 Julia Liu
七年級 Ken Liao 廖志誠
八年級 黃慧敏 Emmy Huang
高年級 Megan Chiu

4. T-Shirts Pre-order : 請把握本週最後的預購機會,表達您對中文學校的支持和對中文的熱愛~。請各班家長代表登記您班上的數量,尺寸,和收取金額後,交給出納意純。密西根中文學校感謝您﹗

5. 教務會議
與會者 : 老師,校長,副校長,教務
時間 : 9/21/2019 3:40 pm 
地點 : 八年級教室

6. 本週值日家長: Brian Aho & 張蘊文 Claire

7. 義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮卡獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工:

8. 今年的國慶晚會將在 9/28/2019 5:30 PM 於 Southfield Lathrup Campus 舉行(19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.) 
有意參加者請於9/21前 回覆 email 報名並註明出席人數或到以下連結登記報名。

9. 失物協尋︰如果您於上週在學校撿到一只黑色小米手環 (如附圖),請您聯絡 Melanie 。謝謝您!


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Hi MCS associates,
It has been a busy month since school opening. MCS hopes you have everything planned well and going smoothly; and ready to embrace another successful semester.Important activities for this week:
1. Parents’ Assembly
When: 9/21/2019 Saturday at 1:40 PM
Who: All Parents (not just parent representatives)
Where: Chapel suite 2 (Please see attached map for meeting room)

2. Fire Drill
We will have Fire Drill this Saturday 9/21/2019 at 2:25 PM. All associates please follow the map direction (see the red dotted lines in attached map) to evacuate the building.
Fire Drill will start when bell ringing. During evacuation please keep quiet. After the student headcounts confirmed for each class and received “All Clear”, students are brought back to building.

3. 2019-2020 PR’s
Congratulations to the newly elected Chairperson of PR’s – Ice Chai !! :)Former Chair of PR’s Linda will assume the role of a counselor and proxy for Ice Chai to assist in circumstances.
Pre-K : Yachin Kultgen
Kindergarten : Marta Rodriguez
1st grade : JiaLing Huang
2nd grade : Linda Tsang (counselor/proxy)  
3rd grade : Tony Chou
4th grade : Ice Chai (New Chairperson of PR’s)
5th grade : Kevin Shaw
6th grade : Julia Liu
7th grade : Ken Liao
8th grade : Emmy Huang
Senior : Megan Chiu

4.T-Shirts Pre-order: last call this week to show your support to MCS! All PR’s please collect the numbers, sizes, and payments for your class and turn in to Cashier I-Chun. Thank you!

5. Teachers’ Meeting
Who: All Teachers, Principal, Vice Principal, Academic Dir’s
When: Starts at 3:40 pm 
Where: 8th grade classroom

6. Parents on Duty:Brian Aho & Claire Aho

7. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a non-profit organization. It is operated by registered families. Principal, staff and task helpers are volunteer parents. All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload. * There is a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work. Here is the link of sign up sheet.

8. There will be a celebration event for “Double-Tenth National Day” of ROC on 9/28/2019 at 5:30 PM in Southfield Lathrup Campus (19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.).
Dinner will be served as well as great programs/shows.
Admission is free. Please RSVP before 9/21 with number of attendees for reservation by email or register via following link.

9. Missing Item: If you found a black XiaoMi wrist band (see attached picture) at school last week, please contact Melanie  . Thank you!

MCS Communication

密西根中文學校 週報–MCS Newsletter (2) – 09/12/2019


Ward Church懇請各位家長和同學們配合,請勿使用教會新完工的 Connection Center 進行任何活動。飲食或畫圖時請留在教室內或使用Cafeteria週圍區域。 當 教室 A & B 有校外人士租用時,請保持該教室前走廊通暢,避免擁擠。感謝您的理解與合作。
1. 這個週末 9/14 @1:40 PM – 2:30 PM 將於 Hub Meeting Room (地點尚待確認) 舉行幹部暨家長代表會議 。會中將介紹各位同仁和學校行事曆大概的工作內容,增加彼此的認識。凡有登記義工的朋友們請務必參加。(詳細位置請見附圖)
2. 學校本週六將於 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM 在 Studio 1 & Studio 2 間的走廊安排月餅義賣。(地點見附圖) 今年由於中秋節時間較早,校方來不及安排預購登記,故採現場購買方式,不便之處敬請見諒。
QQ月餅 (紅豆/綠豆/蓮蓉/芋頭) 每個 $2;2個 $4;3個 $5;購買4個以上每個 $1.50Costco 台灣月餅禮盒,每盒 $15;半盒 $8
3. 推選各班家長代表 – 家長代表選出後請提供老師您的姓名和聯絡方式。

4. 報名課外活動 – 扯鈴班,跆拳道,編織課,美術班,舞獅隊,家長籃球俱樂部,和國樂班。詳請請洽黃雅玲 (Ya-Ling Huang 7347182793) 或張蘊文 (Claire Aho 3133481812)

5. T-Shirt Pre-order 的尺寸和數量交請給義賣小組 (Jennifer Morikawa, Ice Chai, or Sammy Li) 或請家長代表們到此為您班上登記 
T-Shirt尺寸有 Men-S ~ Men-3XL, Women-S ~ Women-2XL, Kids-XS ~ Kids-XL, 樣式請參考登記表連結,每件$15。謝謝您對學校的支持! 

6. 今年的國慶晚會將在 9/28/2019  5:30 PM 於 Southfield Lathrup Campus 舉行(19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.) 
會中備有晚餐及精彩表演,完全免費,歡迎密西根中文學校師生和家長一同共襄盛舉。有意參加者請於9/21前 回覆 email 報名並註明出席人數或到以下連結登記報名。

7. 義工登記︰ 密西根中文學校是非營利的 Co-Op 組織,其運作仰賴家長們的積極參與,學校幹部也都是由家長們擔任。我們需要所有的註冊家庭付出一點時間和精力,來使學校蓬勃發展並凝聚彼此感情。每個參與義工的家庭於學年末將獲得$30的禮卡獎勵。請各位家長踴躍在以下表格登記學校義工: 
8. 感謝陳延光老師 代 CAR (Center For Automotive Research) Group 捐贈辦公室用品給學校。捐贈品稍後將投入於本學期學校義賣中。

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Following is the Newsletter for this week.
Important notice:
From Ward Church: Please be advised NOT to use the new Connection Center area for any activities. There are other areas in the building that can accommodate for uses such as eating, drawing / coloring etc. Also, on those Saturdays when there are private birthday parties, please leave the area clear outside of Creative Labs A & B (501 and 503), to allow sufficient space for the party guests to arrive and circulate. Your cooperation in this is appreciated. 
Events highlight:
1. We are going to have our first staff+PR meeting on this Saturday 9/14 @ 1:40 PM – 2:30 PM in Hub Meeting Room. We will introduce ourselves to each others and briefly go thru the calendar and tasks for each role. Please make your best effort to attend. (Map attached for the meeting room)

2. There will be moon cakes for sale after the meeting (2:45 PM – 3:30 PM) located in the hallway between Studio 1 & Studio 2 (see attached map). Please help with this event if you can. This year we don’t have time to setup pre-order for moon cake sale since the Moon Festival occurs sooner based on lunar calendar. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Moon cake prices:QQ Moon cakes (green bean/red bean/lotus seed/taro flavors): $2 ea; $4 for two; $5 for three; $1.5 ea if buying four or more.Costco Taiwan Moon Cake Gift Pack:$15 for a Full pack; $8 for a Half pack. 
3. please elect a parent representative as the communication bridge for your class. Please leave your contact info to the teacher.

4. Extra-curricular registration: Chinese YoYo, Taekwondo, Crochet, Art & Painting, Parents Basketball, Lion dance, and Chinese Traditional Music. Please contact (Ya-Ling Huang 7347182793) or (Claire Aho 3133481812)

5. Class PR’s (Parent Representatives) please collect the sizes and numbers of T-Shirt Pre-order and provide them to PTA fundraising team (Jennifer Morikawa, Ice Chai, or Sammy Li) OR use following link to update for your class. T-shirt price is $15 each. Sizes available: Men-S ~ Men-3XL; Women-S ~ Women-2XL; Kids-XS ~ Kids-XL. Thank you for supporting MCS.

6. There will be a celebration event for “Double-Tenth National Day” of ROC on 9/28/2019 at 5:30 PM in Southfield Lathrup Campus (19301 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI.).Dinner will be served as well as great programs/shows.Admission is free. Please RSVP before 9/21 with number of attendees for reservation by email or reigster via following link.

7. MCS Volunteer Sign Up Sheet: MCS is a non-profit organization.  It is operated by registered families.  Principal, staff and task helpers are volunteer parents.  All registered families are expected to share the school’s workload.   * There is a $30 voluntary reward when you sign up and complete the work.  Here is the link of sign up sheet. 

8. Big Thank You to Mr. Yen Chen brought in donated items to MCS on behalf of CAR (Center For Automotive Research) Group. Items will be presented in one of our fundraising event this year.
Feel free to email me with suggestions and thank you again for all you do for MCS and children!