會話兒童班1 ( CFL-1) 教師-夏莉老師

Hello, everyone! My name is Lily Xia. I am very happy to be your teacher of CFL-1 at Michigan Chinese School this year. I have 14 years of experience teaching Chinese in California and one year in Michigan from preschool to high school students. My goal is to encourage students to build interests in Chinese listening, speaking and reading, show appreciation of Chinese culture and traditions day after day in our daily life. I hope students will enjoy this class and have fun at our Chinese school.

Here is my course description below:

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This year our textbook is called “Hello, Chinese” volume II with a total of 5 lessons. Because our students are very young, I will focus on learning daily life conversations and short phrases by their meanings for the dialog learning; as for the vocabulary, my aim is to explain its meaning, put into applications, have the students build reading skills, but not necessarily writing skills. For sentences and short phrases learning, I will emphasis on students’ ability to integrate into daily life from repeated mechanical practice to interpersonal communications. Under the 5 C’s teaching principals (1.Communication 2. Culture 3. Connection 4. Comparison 5. Community), I will take good use of illustrations, body language and other supplementary teaching materials as my teaching methods to ensure students practice well through group study, creating conversations, making presentations on the stage and much more in order to reach the best educational results.